Registration Instructions

Below are the step-by-step instructions to the Family Registration registration process.

Page 1: To begin the registration process for Family Weekend, indicate the number of family members who will be attending, including the UConn student(s) in the Quantity box below. Click ‘Add to Cart’ to continue.

Page 2: Next, you will provide information about your UConn student(s) as well as contact information for your family. Click ‘Continue’ to move to the next page and see a summary of your registration information that you entered.

Page 3: This page is titled ‘Items in your Cart’, it is a summary of your registration information that you entered on the previous page. If edits need to be made, return to the previous page. If it all the information on the registration summary appears to be correct, click the ‘Checkout’ button. You will have the option to add on the specialty meals in a moment.

Page 4: You have made it to the specialty meal page where you will be asked if you would like to purchase the specialty meals at a per person cost, which are optional. If you do not want to purchase the specialty meals, click the ‘Continue’ button and jump down to Page 5 in these instructions. If you do want to add the specialty meals, review the additional steps below.

To add the specialty meals to your family’s registration, start by clicking on the ‘Meal Type’ dropdown and selecting the meal you would like to attend. Once selected, enter the number of family members, including the UConn student(s) in the Quantity box. Then click on the shopping cart icon to add these meals to your cart. After clicking the shopping cart icon, you will jump to another page with a dropdown box for each member of your family. Select the appropriate price level in each of the dropdown boxes. There is a discount for UConn students and children under the age of 12. Click the ‘Continue’ button once all the dropdown boxes have been filled. You will then be brought back to the specialty meal screen. If you only plan to attend one of the specialty meals, click ‘Continue’. If you plan to attend both specialty meals, repeat the steps above for the second specialty meal. After both specialty meals are added to your cart, click ‘Continue’.

Page 5: UConn Catering is requesting information about the dietary restrictions in your family. The information shared on this page will be provided to UConn Catering for meal planning purposes. If you did not add the specialty meals to your cart, you can bypass this page and click ‘Continue’.

Page 6: IMPORTANT – On this ‘Login’ page, do NOT login or register as a new user! Instead, enter the email address where you want your confirmation email to go under the ‘Contact Information’ heading. Then, select ‘Checkout as Guest’ at the bottom of the page.

Page 7: If you did not add either of the specialty meals to your cart, you will jump to the ‘Review Order’ page. If you have specialty meals in your cart, the credit card payment screen will appear first, then the ‘Review Order’ page. Please review all the information listed on the ‘Review Order’ page. This is the last chance to make edits before confirming your Family Weekend registration. Also, it is critical that your email address listed under the ‘Contact Information’ heading is correct, otherwise your confirmation email will be routed to the wrong inbox. If everything looks good, click the ‘Submit Order’ button to finalize your registration (and meal purchase, if previously added).

You have successfully registered for Family Weekend 2023 at UConn!